On View


curated by Nic Caldwell

On View: July 18 – September 20, 2024

Join us at the opening reception on Thursday July 18, 6 – 8 pm!

Jennifer Teresa Villanueva, U.S. Petition for Alien Parents, 2023

Lower East Side Printshop is pleased to announce a group exhibition, Dreaming//Awake, guest curated by Nic Caldwell with a reception on Thursday, July 18th, 6-8pm. Participating artists include Paria Ahmadi, Nereida Patricia, Felix Plaza, Nat Pyper, Jennifer Teresa Villanueva, and Tianxing Xu.

“For those of us who live at the shoreline standing upon the constant edges of decision crucial and alone

for those of us who cannot indulge

the passing dreams of choice

who love in doorways coming and going in the hours between dawns

looking inward and outward

at once before and after

seeking a now that can breed


– Audre Lorde, excerpt from “A Litany for Survival”

Dreaming is one of the most universal human experiences, one shared across cultures and time. Dreams ask what conversation we could have if we let the imagination speak. They create a unique space where the impossible becomes possible, allowing us to explore our deepest desires and fears without the constraints of reality. This ability to hold and navigate two worlds, dreaming and awakeness, is essential to imagining the futures we need to create in order to survive and thrive. Dreaming//Awake explores the dreams of our ancestors known and unknown, of our parents, and of our childhoods. Artists in this exhibition juxtapose concrete images with abstraction to rewrite memory, morph reality, and transform cultural narratives, reorganizing the world for new future possibilities.

About the curator

Nic Caldwell (he/they) is a librarian, curator, and printmaker, invested in making art more accessible to marginalized communities. His approach to cultural criticism is to challenge the boundaries of who has access to knowledge, who creates history, and whose stories get to be told. Born and raised on the Southside of Chicago, Nic is currently located in New York City where he was most recently a 2023 Research Fellow at The Center for Book Arts and curated the 2022 exhibition Gwendolyn Brooks: a Poet’s Work in Community at The Morgan Library & Museum. Nic is a graduate of New York University, with a Masters in Library and Information Science and a Masters in English Literature, concentrating in Special Collections and African American literature.